
About time I grew up… now where to start…

Halloween Party February 19, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ooh Betty @ 20:24


In the days before the party I started decorating the kitchen – the main party area. There were spider webs and spiders, bloody hand prints on the windows, and of course carved pumpkins. I had never carved a pumpkin in my life, so I got myself a little kit in the supermarket and off iIwent, only cost €4 and the pumpkins were 2 for a fiver! Can’t go wrong really. I have to say I was quite proud of myself. Even though I had stencils I think I did a great job on the pumpkins!



The morning of the party I started prepping the food. I made Candy Corn, Witches Finger Cookies complete with Almond Finger Nails, Candy Apples, Eyeballs (mini mozzarella balls and olives)

There was of course some monkey nuts, you can’t have Halloween with out monkey nuts.

There was also Dorito’s, can’t have any party without Doritos and lets not forget dips!!




The cocktail menus were printed and ready, so the cocktail bar needed to be prepped. Between my friend Jo and I we juiced about 20 limes. All my favourite cocktails of course needing lime juice.



Jo left then to get ready and it was time for me to get ready.  Alot of eyeliner and the darkest lippie I could find and here’s the result. Not a bad costume for something like a tenner on ebay! The hair obviously isn’t my own. But I must admit I did think about dying it black for a while after halloween, I can to my senses though and am still a blonde!




Once I was ready, hubbie went to pick up some friends that lived locally. While he was gone I made a nice Jug of Frozen Strawberry Daquiri’s to have ready for when the ladies arrived.




Even if I do say so myself, a good night was had by all there was one or two hitches along with way – we ran out of Bacardi and Limes before 11 and my poor husband in full costume ran around to the local and begged for some of both, the obliged and the party continued. Noted for next year, get 40 not 20 limes!


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